Infrared Sauna

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Infrared Sauna Options

€25 - 1 hour

Quisque commodo id mi non porttitor. Aenean sapien eros, commodo in lectus eu, auctor pretium diam. Mauris non orci quis est hendrerit laoreet id eget purus.

What is it?

Infrared sauna is a sauna which uses Infrared lights to heat the body. Unlike your typical sauna which heats the air around you, an Infrared sauna only heats 20% of the air and in turn 80% of the heat goes to your body in more gentle and effective manner than a regular sauna.

Does it work?

Yes it does work. It is without doubt, the best sauna on the market. Research indicates that the heat produced penetrates the body more deeply than a regular sauna. This in turn optimises recovery.


  • faster muscle recovery
  • improves sleep
  • joint pain relief
  • improves circulation and cardiovascular strength
  • detoxification


Though research is varied, the following application is advised:

Temperature: our sauna operates between 45-60 degrees Celsius

The latest research shows that using an Infrared sauna for 10-15 minutes three times a week can help:

  • reduce stress
  • increase metabolism
  • help body regulate temperature and help with blood circulation
  • relieve muscle soreness (DOMS) and joint pain

Our Summary

Current studies have proven that infrared saunas successfully maximises recovery and helps with your overall wellness. It helps your body recover while at the same time helping you to relax and recharge.


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Quisque commodo id mi non porttitor. Aenean sapien eros, commodo in lectus eu, auctor pretium diam. Mauris non orci quis est hendrerit laoreet id eget purus.